Sunday, May 13, 2018

Due to lack of activity, the contact e-mails have been suspended, but the site will remain online for historical reasons.
Data Privacy Policy added.

Saturday, April 16, 2006

Seems like nobody cares about the contest, no submissions at all. I just hope that at least some of you apprechiate the new design, and I do know that most of the css stuff (if not everything) doesn't work w/ IE 2.0 or browsers from this time. Why I don't care about that? CSS is pretty standard for years right now, and there where no visitor w/ such old browsers - unless this is what my logfile says.

Monday, January 02 , 2006

Almost three years have passed by without any news here, but this will change soon. I'm about to redesign the whole page, new wallpapers and startlogos will be available. Though there was only one(!) upload of a new theme there will be not much new in there, i really thought there would be more.

If you have made any theme, wallpaper or startlogo don't hesitate to send it per mail ( with the subject [Theme]).. Please don't forget to write your name into the mail, so you get the fame you deserve ;)

There's is a Win31 forum, just drop in - scene is still alive =)

kind regards, mike

Monday, July 28, 2003

It's at the time to write some news, much has changed in the last few days. The official Calmira website was broken and the community said this is probably the end. But it wasn't! Many of us helped to build up a new home for Calmira. The new address is now (thanks to Gaby Chaudry); instead of the old org domain, so please update all your bookmarks, if you are hosting a website check that the link to the Calmira website is going into the right direction!
Also I decided to build up a new site called the Calmira Community, to make the "movement" more tight. There you can write news, upload your screenshot, submit an entry to the forum, post a question to the faq or just add your site to the links site.

Best wishes from me to Calmira and it's community, may it never go down!

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Happy Birtday! Yeah happy birthday to the Calmira-tips freelist, you're now 5 years old and have helped most of us to get through some problems with our "old-shool" software and hardware. Also you've created friendships between people from all over the planet called earth. Thank you, hope we can celebrate more of your birthdays in the following years =)

Tuesday, February 11, 2003 has now the new bubble design, there are also some refinings everywhere. The "hits" or the so called "visits" increased after Calmira linked my page on their downloads - page.

Thursday, February 6, 2003

Since yesterday is also linked on! There were some requests to do this, so I asked Martin B. Brilliant (Owner of and he agreed. So I also welcome all people that came from to my pages, here you can find very much graphic-stuff for YOUR Calmira.

Sunday, February 2, 2003

Some updates on were made, for example the new startpicture area and the refined upload section. Until now there were about 60 - 70 downloads of CalPaint 2.

Sunday, November 17, 2002

Release of CalPaint 2.0. Finally here it is, for everyone who searched Plus! for Win 3.1x, here it is! To get to the download page click here.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

The homepage of CalPaint has changed the server, it's not "" anymore! You just need to type "" to acces the homepage!

Sunday, September 8, 2002

The two hundredth visitor on! I'm still working on CalPaint 2.0, it's a complete revision. This means it has a complete new source code, lot of work...

Sunday, May 26, 2002

Updated, added the wallpaper section...

Monday, May 6, 2002

I've forgotten to add the helpfile for Calpaint to the zip-archive. You may want to download it from the download page.

Thursday, May 2, 2002

Release of CalPaint 1.1, removed bugs and refined theme preview

Monday, April 8, 2002

Within two day's I've got 32 e-mails with suggestions and bug-reports. I will try do implement all suggestions and finally to remove all bugs.

Saturday, April 6, 2002

Finally beta-state reached, posted an e-mail to Calmira-Freelist that CalPaint 1.0 (Beta) is available.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

5 days after my birthday I have the Idea to write a theme programm for Calmira. On this day I've started to write the source code for CalPaint. It's the birth by CalPaint.